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Current weekly ad King Kullen - Valid from 09/30 to 10/06 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad King Kullen 09/30/2022 - 10/06/2022


Products in this weekly ad

at ¥ a ay te J’, cransenrercecs AREY tie € | em America’s First Supermarket Campbell's Red & White Chock Full 0' Nuts Coffee el Soups ~ Excludes Colombian & Decaf 10.2-11.3 oz. can - Limit 3-1 Offer Label Noodle & Tomato 10.2-11.25 oz. can - Limit 3-1 Offer ry nhecllills : 4 ~TThY tealah/ a de ge ean ZT, ¢} ri Bred ig Chock Bred | (a = Vegetarian of Chicken a Vegetable > _&Stars Lea wk Sour ? SOUP FINAL SALE PRICE 3/2.49 — Sa” FINAL SALE PRICE 3/6.99 Sweet Baby Rays = © BBO Sauce - 18 oz. * Dipping Sauce - Vou a oe Limit 4-2 Offers > BUY 1GET1 4 FINAL SALE PRICE 2/3.28 Kraft Salad Dressings = gs a iGo b- Lint 2 Or Poe UGG) + % se ae FINAL SALE PRICE 2/4,98 Say" a Pearl Milling * Pancake Mix - 35-36 02. © Syrup - 24 02. ¢ FREE wy FINAL SALE PRICE 2/4.68 we ZE ‘ of SS cea York Strip « Anna ie Taian in 5 ee ae ray co ro FINAL SALE PRICE 2/2.! 3 eh Peet's Coffee K-Cup 1 >, < FINAL SALE PRICE 2/12.98 wes Quaker Cereal Large Size Box Life or Cap'n Crunch - 18 oz. box aa PREEPOC bya le) Lobster Tall Fa FINAL SALE PRICE 2/6.48 Breyers Ice Cream ‘All Varieties - 48 fi. o2. cont. - Limit 4 Eggo Waffles ai koe Hseeehbreereg atl) a“ = & Thick & Futy or Liege Wattles Fe Zz C4 eZ E 8-10 ct 10.75-123 02. pkg. m/f / Breakstone's < Cottage Doubles * ‘Al Varieties - 4.7 02. cont. Honeycrisp Apples U.S. Extra Fancy - New York State 1" Apple Cider Ed ie In Beals Our Bakery ao Fresh Bone In <a Donuts 6 Pack « Center Cut ss oe »> Pork Loin Chops “Sta A, Dis ‘Regular or Double Thick Cheps - (Thin Sliced Chops $3291) “Fila re 3 Easy Ways to Shop King Kullen from Home! Visit Te com for more information. Wal ena fo anions King & AY Shop wild. fare East Se Osi. ShiptG g* instacart rn pahee Ss ket We reserve De rapt to lent gaaetibes to one can or package of Sale erm. forte derameleny ect hygeine en taba ere oky = =~ aaa ‘sepresert teers on sale. The folowing purchases cannct be wed trward an addtonay | rement Pharmacy. Beer. 65. dep. Cgaretes, Git Cards, Money Orders, Money Transters, Postage Stamps. Lottery. Tax, es Coupons are any ober tems Pat. ey Wot Res. Oe, Seton, Bakery, 7 eradable A Stores. One K.K. 9/30/22 Ver. 1&2

Latest weekly ads

at ¥ a ay te J’, cransenrercecs AREY tie € | em America’s First Supermarket Campbell's Red & White Chock Full 0' Nuts Coffee el Soups ~ Excludes Colombian & Decaf 10.2-11.3 oz. can - Limit 3-1 Offer Label Noodle & Tomato 10.2-11.25 oz. can - Limit 3-1 Offer ry nhecllills : 4 ~TThY tealah/ a de ge ean ZT, ¢} ri Bred ig Chock Bred | (a = Vegetarian of Chicken a Vegetable > _&Stars Lea wk Sour ? SOUP FINAL SALE PRICE 3/2.49 — Sa” FINAL SALE PRICE 3/6.99 Sweet Baby Rays = © BBO Sauce - 18 oz. * Dipping Sauce - Vou a oe Limit 4-2 Offers > BUY 1GET1 4 FINAL SALE PRICE 2/3.28 Kraft Salad Dressings = gs a iGo b- Lint 2 Or Poe UGG) + % se ae FINAL SALE PRICE 2/4,98 Say" a Pearl Milling * Pancake Mix - 35-36 02. © Syrup - 24 02. ¢ FREE wy FINAL SALE PRICE 2/4.68 we ZE ‘ of SS cea York Strip « Anna ie Taian in 5 ee ae ray co ro FINAL SALE PRICE 2/2.! 3 eh Peet's Coffee K-Cup 1 >, < FINAL SALE PRICE 2/12.98 wes Quaker Cereal Large Size Box Life or Cap'n Crunch - 18 oz. box aa PREEPOC bya le) Lobster Tall Fa FINAL SALE PRICE 2/6.48 Breyers Ice Cream ‘All Varieties - 48 fi. o2. cont. - Limit 4 Eggo Waffles ai koe Hseeehbreereg atl) a“ = & Thick & Futy or Liege Wattles Fe Zz C4 eZ E 8-10 ct 10.75-123 02. pkg. m/f / Breakstone's < Cottage Doubles * ‘Al Varieties - 4.7 02. cont. Honeycrisp Apples U.S. Extra Fancy - New York State 1" Apple Cider Ed ie In Beals Our Bakery ao Fresh Bone In <a Donuts 6 Pack « Center Cut ss oe »> Pork Loin Chops “Sta A, Dis ‘Regular or Double Thick Cheps - (Thin Sliced Chops $3291) “Fila re 3 Easy Ways to Shop King Kullen from Home! Visit Te com for more information. Wal ena fo anions King & AY Shop wild. fare East Se Osi. ShiptG g* instacart rn pahee Ss ket We reserve De rapt to lent gaaetibes to one can or package of Sale erm. forte derameleny ect hygeine en taba ere oky = =~ aaa ‘sepresert teers on sale. The folowing purchases cannct be wed trward an addtonay | rement Pharmacy. Beer. 65. dep. Cgaretes, Git Cards, Money Orders, Money Transters, Postage Stamps. Lottery. Tax, es Coupons are any ober tems Pat. ey Wot Res. Oe, Seton, Bakery, 7 eradable A Stores. One K.K. 9/30/22 Ver. 1&2

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