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Current weekly ad Harmons Grocery - Valid from 05/14 to 05/20 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Harmons Grocery 05/14/2024 - 05/20/2024


Products in this weekly ad

Guo sa | AOU — ah ae SS cman Ae Nea ea) HARMONS CHEESEBALLS — ; pasta la fidakee ia it 3 : 2 ae >see pe | A Fe a an P fd ie TP = oa 48 Van > USB SL @ulihy re es OFF, . G EVV NARI BeSy VN Sweet, savory, and crunchy pes ee ye ITA art mir pea 5 UAE RAB UAB lad BOB'S BURGERS IRR RRS Che Try with Harmons artisan bread Assorted 5.33 oz. CHORIZO SAUSAGE Raw, shell on aay aa sy } 7 A A ES (eC FC] j ero vt Daisy" enerctar Cheese Blocks : COTTAGE Select 10.6 07. Assorted 8 07. Assorted 22 02. CHEESE Pre A Aa ; ELEC ra 5: cette B EMC UEL > ay Sieroter ina od NSN Ra bhai aT Assorted 14 oz. rag) eee core ean > Sin

Latest weekly ads

Guo sa | AOU — ah ae SS cman Ae Nea ea) HARMONS CHEESEBALLS — ; pasta la fidakee ia it 3 : 2 ae >see pe | A Fe a an P fd ie TP = oa 48 Van > USB SL @ulihy re es OFF, . G EVV NARI BeSy VN Sweet, savory, and crunchy pes ee ye ITA art mir pea 5 UAE RAB UAB lad BOB'S BURGERS IRR RRS Che Try with Harmons artisan bread Assorted 5.33 oz. CHORIZO SAUSAGE Raw, shell on aay aa sy } 7 A A ES (eC FC] j ero vt Daisy" enerctar Cheese Blocks : COTTAGE Select 10.6 07. Assorted 8 07. Assorted 22 02. CHEESE Pre A Aa ; ELEC ra 5: cette B EMC UEL > ay Sieroter ina od NSN Ra bhai aT Assorted 14 oz. rag) eee core ean > Sin

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