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Current weekly ad Harmons Grocery - Valid from 06/25 to 07/04 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Harmons Grocery 06/25/2024 - 07/04/2024


Products in this weekly ad

PUI Ge Ci eV uh b Best Foods nu =| Pe "i i aE aC) \ SUE Cg ae ri el Assorted flavors 24 oz. 4 (ae GSE ett aed yO 10-2002 ab Ln AA mene oe Red Vines ap Hts Ey Twists Jar peaks TIS TT R Ea ta NSS og Assorted flavors PAC AY.| aay | Post Cereals LOS ELLY SUT A TTS M OUR NN Is Sot unee kya assorted 10-16 o7., 2 for 2 for 5 SLTy.) SRT 2 for 5 ee ery CECE Paces CSU PKG When you buy 2 yo Assorted 16-17 02. assorted 12-16 02., 2 for Ava 5 cry YAN CS c cry 2 for $6 mem ta) ETT PETS LL) BBQ Sauce Dressing Marshmallows Su : AKA Se ate a bea ! 2 for 7 a a yee Power Crunch ANETTA ToS Rek-,| Ce eet Ih) or Snacks ESO PaY La Bars cul Cur) s Assorted 1.4 02. eau : Pass 2 forss BD EEE ETC a ey MTT ie A ay CEU) LEMS es SRE SUCG Cookies or Wafers CR EUs SSCs cee lod Tn iene. mos Sahaecems ly)

Latest weekly ads

PUI Ge Ci eV uh b Best Foods nu =| Pe "i i aE aC) \ SUE Cg ae ri el Assorted flavors 24 oz. 4 (ae GSE ett aed yO 10-2002 ab Ln AA mene oe Red Vines ap Hts Ey Twists Jar peaks TIS TT R Ea ta NSS og Assorted flavors PAC AY.| aay | Post Cereals LOS ELLY SUT A TTS M OUR NN Is Sot unee kya assorted 10-16 o7., 2 for 2 for 5 SLTy.) SRT 2 for 5 ee ery CECE Paces CSU PKG When you buy 2 yo Assorted 16-17 02. assorted 12-16 02., 2 for Ava 5 cry YAN CS c cry 2 for $6 mem ta) ETT PETS LL) BBQ Sauce Dressing Marshmallows Su : AKA Se ate a bea ! 2 for 7 a a yee Power Crunch ANETTA ToS Rek-,| Ce eet Ih) or Snacks ESO PaY La Bars cul Cur) s Assorted 1.4 02. eau : Pass 2 forss BD EEE ETC a ey MTT ie A ay CEU) LEMS es SRE SUCG Cookies or Wafers CR EUs SSCs cee lod Tn iene. mos Sahaecems ly)

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