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Current weekly ad Gerrity's Supermarkets - Valid from 09/11 to 09/17 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Gerrity's Supermarkets 09/11/2022 - 09/17/2022


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is coming... OWNED AND OPERATED BY , Sign up for the FREE Price Plus® Club card online or in store and let the savings begin. Fr Got *5.00 OFF 500 POINTS your shopping order when you get 500 points DOWNLOAD THE when you sign up for our with your “ZW Price Plus® Club card. Price Plus® Club card. ‘See store tor details. Td ad Ag El sei LTS 85% Lean Ground Beef ‘ay Size Package | o August 12 | Main Ave, Scranton ‘September 16 | Hanover en > August 19 | Keyser Ave, Scranton ‘September 23 | Luzerne of August 26 | Clarks Summit September 30, Wyoming Ay 2 | Meadow Ave, Scranton October7 West Pittston ay tan Birney Ave, Moosic October 14 | Bethlehem Please Redeem Your Gerrity’s Gift Cards Prior to the Conversion of Your Store.

Latest weekly ads

is coming... OWNED AND OPERATED BY , Sign up for the FREE Price Plus® Club card online or in store and let the savings begin. Fr Got *5.00 OFF 500 POINTS your shopping order when you get 500 points DOWNLOAD THE when you sign up for our with your “ZW Price Plus® Club card. Price Plus® Club card. ‘See store tor details. Td ad Ag El sei LTS 85% Lean Ground Beef ‘ay Size Package | o August 12 | Main Ave, Scranton ‘September 16 | Hanover en > August 19 | Keyser Ave, Scranton ‘September 23 | Luzerne of August 26 | Clarks Summit September 30, Wyoming Ay 2 | Meadow Ave, Scranton October7 West Pittston ay tan Birney Ave, Moosic October 14 | Bethlehem Please Redeem Your Gerrity’s Gift Cards Prior to the Conversion of Your Store.

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