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Current weekly ad Food City - Valid from 09/07 to 09/13 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Food City 09/07/2022 - 09/13/2022


Products in this weekly ad

ues D CHIVES TN Whee oy Coane gl an a We Chorizo EE CN ‘Tortilleria 3 ar en é cy Rg rk) Uso psy! oe ia) ED ert DE Tay Aour Tortillas Tortitias. de Harina De ht Pn as yond eed pa ea biel ha iat) aD ty Day ALN cml Usha raa aired Ta) De aay Oa ICS Lote cir & Mexicano Cheese or Cream 10 Oz. Cheese, 15 0. Cream, Selected Varietes SY & Mexicano Queso Fresco Casero or Crema Casera Pradicionales!) WAAR RRA>”>DRRA QR YrrrCrrrray FC 090722 > WC. weo2 | BP, RMA, RMB, ESA, Esc BT.BN,| 80. CG

Latest weekly ads

ues D CHIVES TN Whee oy Coane gl an a We Chorizo EE CN ‘Tortilleria 3 ar en é cy Rg rk) Uso psy! oe ia) ED ert DE Tay Aour Tortillas Tortitias. de Harina De ht Pn as yond eed pa ea biel ha iat) aD ty Day ALN cml Usha raa aired Ta) De aay Oa ICS Lote cir & Mexicano Cheese or Cream 10 Oz. Cheese, 15 0. Cream, Selected Varietes SY & Mexicano Queso Fresco Casero or Crema Casera Pradicionales!) WAAR RRA>”>DRRA QR YrrrCrrrray FC 090722 > WC. weo2 | BP, RMA, RMB, ESA, Esc BT.BN,| 80. CG

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