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Current weekly ad Food Bazaar - Valid from 10/06 to 10/12 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Food Bazaar 10/06/2022 - 10/12/2022


Products in this weekly ad

DELI & BAKERY. e ao 9” @® Boar's Head a Genoa Salami ae 499 | Harvest Brand ui Citterio Hard rd Salami ee oe Kreme Primos Bakery ) tivo a oe Bites Palmeritas ( 0801/0808) mt — Health+ Ade Kombucha | 100% Juice Blend 4/ 3/ Simply Chobani Lemonade Oat Milk ‘sorted (inciages m trot assorted vz ‘S202. 49 Chobani Siggi’s Greek Yogurt = Yogurt Cups saosin tp, oe sug, comeleto ; / assorted (exclodes plant-based) 4/5 Sargento Balanced Breaks an 3/10 Philadelphia Cream Cl Cheese Bars 399 Shedd’s | woe Oscar Mayer Country Crock Spread Pia Fun Pack Lunchables we ope Boat oe. 99 lewaeges 2 5 as 2/6 Hillshire Farm | a Nathan's Polska Kielbasa Beef, Franks or Sausage assorted (axciades choose manerted A214 Se. ‘& cocktail) 12 02, 2/10 3/10 FROZEN Food For Life Frozen Bread | 7” Dinner Entrees McCain Fr French Fries nchates oaioe | wepet potatoes! 1452 02 or Ba Baozzal | Pizza Buns osoz. a 3° rton’s Fen Sticks or Fillets Totino’s Fro Greek Yogurt Fopsiole rozen Greek Yogui Bars. or Sar Sandwiches ice.nope E99 Spped bers) 20-14 os. 399 Bo; | a Birds Eye cms monteo) 2.6400 OF Freeh vied = oa Green Giant Simply Steam + :0% whole or ates = Poly § Bag Vegetables 449 alee Ay a 2°° Bubba ‘Bubba ees ERAS ee) Beef Burgers . me Burgers 12° BOGOPA Butter sotrice venta Mo XOCHITL Tortilla Chips oomaite. BOGOPA Shredded Cheese escrtod 32 08 799 BOGOPA Ice Cream smsorted 328 ce. 799

Latest weekly ads

DELI & BAKERY. e ao 9” @® Boar's Head a Genoa Salami ae 499 | Harvest Brand ui Citterio Hard rd Salami ee oe Kreme Primos Bakery ) tivo a oe Bites Palmeritas ( 0801/0808) mt — Health+ Ade Kombucha | 100% Juice Blend 4/ 3/ Simply Chobani Lemonade Oat Milk ‘sorted (inciages m trot assorted vz ‘S202. 49 Chobani Siggi’s Greek Yogurt = Yogurt Cups saosin tp, oe sug, comeleto ; / assorted (exclodes plant-based) 4/5 Sargento Balanced Breaks an 3/10 Philadelphia Cream Cl Cheese Bars 399 Shedd’s | woe Oscar Mayer Country Crock Spread Pia Fun Pack Lunchables we ope Boat oe. 99 lewaeges 2 5 as 2/6 Hillshire Farm | a Nathan's Polska Kielbasa Beef, Franks or Sausage assorted (axciades choose manerted A214 Se. ‘& cocktail) 12 02, 2/10 3/10 FROZEN Food For Life Frozen Bread | 7” Dinner Entrees McCain Fr French Fries nchates oaioe | wepet potatoes! 1452 02 or Ba Baozzal | Pizza Buns osoz. a 3° rton’s Fen Sticks or Fillets Totino’s Fro Greek Yogurt Fopsiole rozen Greek Yogui Bars. or Sar Sandwiches ice.nope E99 Spped bers) 20-14 os. 399 Bo; | a Birds Eye cms monteo) 2.6400 OF Freeh vied = oa Green Giant Simply Steam + :0% whole or ates = Poly § Bag Vegetables 449 alee Ay a 2°° Bubba ‘Bubba ees ERAS ee) Beef Burgers . me Burgers 12° BOGOPA Butter sotrice venta Mo XOCHITL Tortilla Chips oomaite. BOGOPA Shredded Cheese escrtod 32 08 799 BOGOPA Ice Cream smsorted 328 ce. 799

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