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Current weekly ad Food Bazaar - Valid from 08/25 to 08/31 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Food Bazaar 08/25/2022 - 08/31/2022


Products in this weekly ad

SUPERMARKET eS Ue aed lac astaeiz7 los [20 [o0[st WE'RE NOW ACCEPTING EBT/SNAP PAYMENTS FOR ONLINE ORDERS! FREE DELIVERY on your rirst THREE G) ORDERS* When you buy groceries online and pay with your EBT/SNAP card! HASS AVOCADOS (PLU# 4225) 4/ WHOLE SEEDLESS — WATERMELON (PLU# 4032) ea. tb. RED SEEDLESS GRAPES Taureassrseu seer (PLU# 4023/4499) Ib. BEEF NY STRIP LOIN | ~~ CHICKEN ) ‘ 4 STEAK (SHELL STEAK) BONELESS BREAST ‘ “a feu peck 812991 (PUU# 1011) ZNO (PLU# 0618) | ae 2% yw ™“ “ ~ Mies, BOAR’S HEAD PORK SPARERIBS HONEY MAPLE twin pack, whole (PLUS 3184) ae Pork Spareribs, whole » HAM x 2 family pic....$3.49 Ib, (PLU 3291) (PLue 104) =< og Frozen or Thawed TILAPIA FILLET (PLU# 3081) farm raised, product of China Frozen or Thawed - 16-20 4 CLEANED 3°13 JUMBO SHRIMP (PLU# 4509) Ib, TOSTITOS ae: GOLA Tortilla Chips ae or Scoops = ease 4, Shou 5 CANADA DRY Canned Soda 12 Pk. assorted (inctedes seltzer) 144 oe. TROPICANA SARGENTO Punch Shredded or assorted - 59 08. Sliced Cheese Sssorted 58 ar Brown N’ Serve Breakfast » EQ sausage BONEN SCT ye teks ox pats 92 or Ice Cream asserted - 4 02 CALIFORNIA OLIVE ; 8 bora RANCH 4 Everyday Extra Virgin : Olive Oil = 5Q99 33.8 oz. . scott OP) POLAND SPRING Paper Towels Water 24 Pack 15 Roll Pack Sonor WWE B61 $90 penchane, Lanse 102 ct. rolls Lat 1 offer pos tamed Sete ae. att Sts tet 6.09 08. < . BORDEN rence —— MAGNOLIA Pasta Sauce eae see Sweetened assorted (exctades organic) = Condensed a se Milk. 2602 CAPRI SUN , CHICKEN of Variety Pack the SEA 30.dount,. = Solid White Tuna KRAFT GATORADE AVIVA DOWNY Macaroni & Cheese Sports Soda Liquid Fabric Dinners Dee Crackers. pl al BANQUET SPE beer 32 Pa. BUDWEISER EUROSTAR 17° or BUDLIGHT 5.8 Qt. Digital - Beer 18 Pk. Air Fryer assorted 246 08. \ GALBANI Mozzarella NATHAN’S Cheese Beef Franks ssorted (excludes cotktail & cheese) 12 02. DR. OETKER Pizza f assorted , punnies RED CASTLE 100% Pure Beef Hamburger 16 Count. as o:. J ee rae Eoin om Pa el ire ree Test ae as a sy brie ma Ce poe Pra eral) heresy rt Pot ping : Deak CeCe cL aes ea roy Heese fe Casta) Seite Umut ard PCs er tt) Steet Ty Cr et re) CPA Vase rea eta tt) Peet a Eicrer oy ma Pen Pa Me ee) eh E SCT

Latest weekly ads

SUPERMARKET eS Ue aed lac astaeiz7 los [20 [o0[st WE'RE NOW ACCEPTING EBT/SNAP PAYMENTS FOR ONLINE ORDERS! FREE DELIVERY on your rirst THREE G) ORDERS* When you buy groceries online and pay with your EBT/SNAP card! HASS AVOCADOS (PLU# 4225) 4/ WHOLE SEEDLESS — WATERMELON (PLU# 4032) ea. tb. RED SEEDLESS GRAPES Taureassrseu seer (PLU# 4023/4499) Ib. BEEF NY STRIP LOIN | ~~ CHICKEN ) ‘ 4 STEAK (SHELL STEAK) BONELESS BREAST ‘ “a feu peck 812991 (PUU# 1011) ZNO (PLU# 0618) | ae 2% yw ™“ “ ~ Mies, BOAR’S HEAD PORK SPARERIBS HONEY MAPLE twin pack, whole (PLUS 3184) ae Pork Spareribs, whole » HAM x 2 family pic....$3.49 Ib, (PLU 3291) (PLue 104) =< og Frozen or Thawed TILAPIA FILLET (PLU# 3081) farm raised, product of China Frozen or Thawed - 16-20 4 CLEANED 3°13 JUMBO SHRIMP (PLU# 4509) Ib, TOSTITOS ae: GOLA Tortilla Chips ae or Scoops = ease 4, Shou 5 CANADA DRY Canned Soda 12 Pk. assorted (inctedes seltzer) 144 oe. TROPICANA SARGENTO Punch Shredded or assorted - 59 08. Sliced Cheese Sssorted 58 ar Brown N’ Serve Breakfast » EQ sausage BONEN SCT ye teks ox pats 92 or Ice Cream asserted - 4 02 CALIFORNIA OLIVE ; 8 bora RANCH 4 Everyday Extra Virgin : Olive Oil = 5Q99 33.8 oz. . scott OP) POLAND SPRING Paper Towels Water 24 Pack 15 Roll Pack Sonor WWE B61 $90 penchane, Lanse 102 ct. rolls Lat 1 offer pos tamed Sete ae. att Sts tet 6.09 08. < . BORDEN rence —— MAGNOLIA Pasta Sauce eae see Sweetened assorted (exctades organic) = Condensed a se Milk. 2602 CAPRI SUN , CHICKEN of Variety Pack the SEA 30.dount,. = Solid White Tuna KRAFT GATORADE AVIVA DOWNY Macaroni & Cheese Sports Soda Liquid Fabric Dinners Dee Crackers. pl al BANQUET SPE beer 32 Pa. BUDWEISER EUROSTAR 17° or BUDLIGHT 5.8 Qt. Digital - Beer 18 Pk. Air Fryer assorted 246 08. \ GALBANI Mozzarella NATHAN’S Cheese Beef Franks ssorted (excludes cotktail & cheese) 12 02. DR. OETKER Pizza f assorted , punnies RED CASTLE 100% Pure Beef Hamburger 16 Count. as o:. J ee rae Eoin om Pa el ire ree Test ae as a sy brie ma Ce poe Pra eral) heresy rt Pot ping : Deak CeCe cL aes ea roy Heese fe Casta) Seite Umut ard PCs er tt) Steet Ty Cr et re) CPA Vase rea eta tt) Peet a Eicrer oy ma Pen Pa Me ee) eh E SCT

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