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Current weekly ad Tops Friendly Markets - Valid from 09/18 to 09/24 - Page nb 7

Weekly ad Tops Friendly Markets 09/18/2022 - 09/24/2022


Products in this weekly ad

E a4 . 2 for for. ~ J wr al { } Lipton Iced Tea g IP polar Seltzers Selected Varieties, <i 7 Sette Vara, 64 fl oz. bil 8/2 or 2/24 ja a) us Depost Where Applicable | cae 2s ; Seer Pepsi or Pure Leaf 6 Pack Bottles gina inane Acote vue te pores birs and Pepsi 12 Pack Cans rane or Apple Juice Blends Goldfish Crackers selected Varieties, 6/16.9 fl. oz. btls. or 12/12 fl. oz. cans, ‘Selected Varieties, 64 fl. oz. btl. ime «4-8 02. pkg, Pus Depost Where Applicable ae & 4 > 4 } Fresh Extra Lean a Ground Beef Sale for 85 to 95% Lean pkgs. qf N Ground Fresh instore Dally eee 5 = wm Pringles To Go Kellogg’s 236-26 02. can ge) Town House Crackers v ee So for wire <= work a ITT orvcn ouanrires 2.19: Famous Amos Cookies Nabisco Ritz Crackers, Pepsi if lected Varieties, 70 i or 7-Up 2 Liter SeecteaVaries. 7° Triscuits or Wheat Thins seietied Varieties 676 or bt Selected Varieties, Also Includes Better Cheddars, Plus Deposit Where Applicable Chicken ina Biscuit, Good Thins, Sociables and Veggie Thin, 359 0 pk Ce for Butterfinger. $10 tie = with AoA feusesongascoe Batertged ie ei liday Varieties, 10-1202. pkg. Desf Reesesa panetures) Coca-Cola 6 Pack Selected Varieties, 6/16.9 oz. btls. Plus Deposit Where Applicable, Limit 3 Deals or 12 Pkgs., Sorry, No Rainchecks worn aa Wise Potato Chips, Cheez Doodles or Popcorn Chips 75 oz, Cheez Doodles 7-9.25 07. or Popcorn 5-6 oz. pkg. 239 ae Hershey, Mars, Tors Dry Roasted Butterfinger or Crunch Peanuts Halloween Fun Size Candy 16 oz. cont. Selected Varieties, 9.14-11.5 07. pkg. Southern Tier, Blue Moon, Founders, Saranac or Goose Island 15 Pack Sected Varies 5/2 flaz cabs rus Depst Where Appcable Lay’s Party Size Potato ‘Chips or Tostitos Tortilla Chips so Includes Tostito Sasa. Selected Varieties Lay's 813-13 02,, Tostitos 9-13 oz or Salsa 15.5 oz. jar 299 > Labatt 28 Pack ipetties Gok 30 Beck on tas an Det rench Onion Coors, Miller ‘or Molson 18 Pack Selected Varies, 18/12 fl oz. cans/b Pls Depost Where Applicable Bud Light Seltzer, Corona Seltzer, Truly, Twisted Tea or White Claw 12 Pack Selected Varieties, 12/12 fl. oz. cans/btls,, Plus Deposit Where Applicable 45 kPa 2 5 . i with with TH i Pasta Roni, Rice-A-Roni “ Quaker Cereal OPS e or Cheetos Mac & Cheese Lie en Sap cunc B instant Oatmeal — 2. bo» B M14-126 0 118-151 oz. box, Also includes} RR Roni = Choetoe 56-59. 02. box ‘Quick or Old Fashioned Oats for Aso = pag mdse Quaker Chewy Bars Budweiser or Bud Light 30 Pack Selected Varieties 30/12 fl. oz. cans, Dole Fridge Packs ‘ Whore Appllesbi Ona: Pack Frat Cups Plus Deposit Where Applicable. 1472.0 35 5-74 02. box, Excludes Dipps Bars Manwich 15-16 oz. can a As wr al z wr 2 Crystal Geyser Pepperidge Farm pone Sports Drinks 6 Pack Water Farmhouse Bread or Gold Peak Tea 6/169 f.o2.bts selected Vanetes, Selected Vanities Plus Deposit Where Applicable 22.26 owerade 28 fo2. bt. or wire a 8 Piece Fried or Baked Chicken wire p wire = Award Winning, Fresh, Never Frozen Ragu Pasta Sauce S Kellogg’s Keebler 2 coca 10 Pack Mini 45 fl.oz. jar fa Cracker Packs 1104 oz. pkg. All These Great Advertised Prices Are Avallable When You Use Your (ZZ. Not All Items Available in All Stores CLR 7 OSG-C 7 0SG-M 7 0SG 0924 PAGE 7 OSG

Latest weekly ads

E a4 . 2 for for. ~ J wr al { } Lipton Iced Tea g IP polar Seltzers Selected Varieties, <i 7 Sette Vara, 64 fl oz. bil 8/2 or 2/24 ja a) us Depost Where Applicable | cae 2s ; Seer Pepsi or Pure Leaf 6 Pack Bottles gina inane Acote vue te pores birs and Pepsi 12 Pack Cans rane or Apple Juice Blends Goldfish Crackers selected Varieties, 6/16.9 fl. oz. btls. or 12/12 fl. oz. cans, ‘Selected Varieties, 64 fl. oz. btl. ime «4-8 02. pkg, Pus Depost Where Applicable ae & 4 > 4 } Fresh Extra Lean a Ground Beef Sale for 85 to 95% Lean pkgs. qf N Ground Fresh instore Dally eee 5 = wm Pringles To Go Kellogg’s 236-26 02. can ge) Town House Crackers v ee So for wire <= work a ITT orvcn ouanrires 2.19: Famous Amos Cookies Nabisco Ritz Crackers, Pepsi if lected Varieties, 70 i or 7-Up 2 Liter SeecteaVaries. 7° Triscuits or Wheat Thins seietied Varieties 676 or bt Selected Varieties, Also Includes Better Cheddars, Plus Deposit Where Applicable Chicken ina Biscuit, Good Thins, Sociables and Veggie Thin, 359 0 pk Ce for Butterfinger. $10 tie = with AoA feusesongascoe Batertged ie ei liday Varieties, 10-1202. pkg. Desf Reesesa panetures) Coca-Cola 6 Pack Selected Varieties, 6/16.9 oz. btls. Plus Deposit Where Applicable, Limit 3 Deals or 12 Pkgs., Sorry, No Rainchecks worn aa Wise Potato Chips, Cheez Doodles or Popcorn Chips 75 oz, Cheez Doodles 7-9.25 07. or Popcorn 5-6 oz. pkg. 239 ae Hershey, Mars, Tors Dry Roasted Butterfinger or Crunch Peanuts Halloween Fun Size Candy 16 oz. cont. Selected Varieties, 9.14-11.5 07. pkg. Southern Tier, Blue Moon, Founders, Saranac or Goose Island 15 Pack Sected Varies 5/2 flaz cabs rus Depst Where Appcable Lay’s Party Size Potato ‘Chips or Tostitos Tortilla Chips so Includes Tostito Sasa. Selected Varieties Lay's 813-13 02,, Tostitos 9-13 oz or Salsa 15.5 oz. jar 299 > Labatt 28 Pack ipetties Gok 30 Beck on tas an Det rench Onion Coors, Miller ‘or Molson 18 Pack Selected Varies, 18/12 fl oz. cans/b Pls Depost Where Applicable Bud Light Seltzer, Corona Seltzer, Truly, Twisted Tea or White Claw 12 Pack Selected Varieties, 12/12 fl. oz. cans/btls,, Plus Deposit Where Applicable 45 kPa 2 5 . i with with TH i Pasta Roni, Rice-A-Roni “ Quaker Cereal OPS e or Cheetos Mac & Cheese Lie en Sap cunc B instant Oatmeal — 2. bo» B M14-126 0 118-151 oz. box, Also includes} RR Roni = Choetoe 56-59. 02. box ‘Quick or Old Fashioned Oats for Aso = pag mdse Quaker Chewy Bars Budweiser or Bud Light 30 Pack Selected Varieties 30/12 fl. oz. cans, Dole Fridge Packs ‘ Whore Appllesbi Ona: Pack Frat Cups Plus Deposit Where Applicable. 1472.0 35 5-74 02. box, Excludes Dipps Bars Manwich 15-16 oz. can a As wr al z wr 2 Crystal Geyser Pepperidge Farm pone Sports Drinks 6 Pack Water Farmhouse Bread or Gold Peak Tea 6/169 f.o2.bts selected Vanetes, Selected Vanities Plus Deposit Where Applicable 22.26 owerade 28 fo2. bt. or wire a 8 Piece Fried or Baked Chicken wire p wire = Award Winning, Fresh, Never Frozen Ragu Pasta Sauce S Kellogg’s Keebler 2 coca 10 Pack Mini 45 fl.oz. jar fa Cracker Packs 1104 oz. pkg. All These Great Advertised Prices Are Avallable When You Use Your (ZZ. Not All Items Available in All Stores CLR 7 OSG-C 7 0SG-M 7 0SG 0924 PAGE 7 OSG

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